domingo, 7 de febrero de 2010

Canciones de Albión (3)

The NMC Songbook CD 2

1. Gordon Crosse (1937): Dirge from Cymbeline [William Shakespeare]
[David Stout, barítono; Lucy Wakeford, arpa]

2. David Horne (1970): A curious thirsty fly [William Oldys]
[Daniel Norman, tenor; Andrew Ball, piano]

3. Rachel Leach (1973): Out of Town [Amy Levy]
[Ailish Tynan, soprano; Iain Burnside, piano]

4. Richard Causton (1971): English Encouragement of Art [William Blake]
[Claire Booth, soprano; Susan Bickley, mezzosoprano; Owen Gunnell, percusión]

5. David Blake (1936): A Swallow [John Birtwhistle]
[Jean Rigby, mezzosoprano; Huw Watkins, piano]

6. Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) / Colin Matthews (1946): Galliard, Version 5
[Lucy Wakeford, arpa; Antonis Hatzinikolaou, guitarra; Jane Chapman, clave; Owen Gunnell, marimba]

7. Robert Saxton (1953): The beach in winter: Scratby (For Tess) [Robert Saxton]
[Stephan Loges, barítono; Iain Burnside, piano]

8. Julian Anderson (1967): Lucretius [Lucrecio / John Nott]
[Claire Booth, soprano; Owen Gunnell, percusión]

9. James Dillon (1950): Upon the cloudy night [William Blake]
[Andrew Watts, contratenor; Andrew Ball, piano]

10. Sadie Harrison (1970): Easter Zunday [William Barnes]
[Benjamin Hulett, tenor; Andrew Ball, piano]

11. Peter Maxwell Davies (1934): Labyrinth to Light [Anónimo]
[Andrew Swait, niño soprano; Andrew Plant, piano]

12. Edward Rushton (1972): With my Whip [Samuel Pepys]
[George Mosley, barítono; Iain Burnside, piano]

13. Simon Holt (1958): Raju Raghuvanshi is a Ghost [Simon Holt]
[Omar Ebrahim, barítono]

14. Thea Musgrave (1928): A Winter's Morning [Robert Burns]
[Ailish Tynan, soprano; Iain Burnside, piano]

15. Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) / Colin Matthews (1946): Galliard, Version 6
[Lucy Wakeford, arpa; Antonis Hatzinikolaou, guitarra; Jane Chapman, clave; Owen Gunnell, marimba]

16. Tarik O'Regan (1978): Darkness Visible [John Milton / Henry Vaughan]
[Andrew Watts, contratenor; Benjamin Hulett, tenor; Lucy Wakeford, arpa]

17. Emily Hall (1978): A Simple Neo-Georgian Summer [Toby Litt]
[Stephan Loges, barítono; Iain Burnside, piano]

18. Peter Wiegold (1949): A Cause for Wonder [Anónimo medieval]
[Andrew Watts, contratenor; Iain Burnside, piano]

19. Emily Howard (1979): Wild Clematis in Winter [Geoffrey Hill]
[Jean Rigby, mezzosoprano; Huw Watkins, piano]

20. Bayan Northcott (1940): Poet and Star [Thomas Hardy]
[Claire Booth, soprano; Daniel Norman, tenor; Andrew Ball, piano]

21.Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) / Colin Matthews (1946): Galliard, Version 7
[Lucy Wakeford, arpa; Antonis Hatzinikolaou, guitarra; Jane Chapman, clave; Owen Gunnell, marimba]

22. Rupert Bawden (1958): Vocalise - Loch Lurgainn in the Sunshine
[Jean Rigby, mezzosoprano; Huw Watkins, piano]
23. Roderick Williams (1965): A Coat [W. B. Yeats]
[Roderick Williams, barítono; Susan Bickley, mezzosoprano]

24. Julian Grant (1960): Know Thy Kings and Queens [Anónimo]
[Susan Bickley, mezzosoprano; Iain Burnside, piano]

25. Robert Keeley (1960): Because I breathe not love to everyone [Philip Sidney]
[Daniel Norman, tenor; Jane Chapman, clave]

26. Tansy Davies (1973): Destroying Beauty [John Clare]
[Claire Booth, soprano; Andrew Ball, piano]

27. Philip Grange (1956): First Known When Lost [Edward Thomas]
[George Mosley, barítono; Iain Burnside, piano]

28. Thomas Morley (c.1557-1602) / Colin Matthews (1946): Galliard, Version 8
[Lucy Wakeford, arpa; Antonis Hatzinikolaou, guitarra; Jane Chapman, clave; Owen Gunnell, marimba]

29. Bláar Kindsdottir (1928): Haiku
[James Bowman, contratenor; Andrew Plant, piano]
NMC D150 [CD 2] (Diverdi) [75'36'']
Grabación: Agosto, Septiembre y Noviembre de 2008

Julian Anderson: Lucretius. [3'14''] Claire Booth, Owen Gunnell

Then to this maxim let us be agreed;
NOTHING of NOTHING can be form'd;
But in such space immense, such vast of time,
If augh renew'd this Universe sublime,
'Twas something surely that's immortal born;
For to a Nothing things cannot return.

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